miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

backup of a LUKS Format Partition using Ghost4Linux

I have an encrypted partition (LUKS format using cryptsetup) and I want to back it up, specially because that HDD is more than 3 years old. the size of the partition is 57.5 GB, I have a NAS with FTP support and the idea is to send the backup to it.

I tried several traditional ways, the first is using dd but it is extremely low and it only works with local backup media so I give up. Then I tried the famous CloneZilla Distribution, from this method I have to say that:

1. it only support network backup through ssh; in fact I tried it with a server but it wouldn't be a good idea because that server is on production, despite I have to move the backup to my NAS, it wouldn't be a good option.

2. the most important, CloneZilla it does not support LUKS format, even if I would setting up my server the backup will failed because the lack support of LUKS

honestly I was dissapointed about CloneZilla, I did not try to make it works, so maybe those gaps would be fixed... or maybe not.

Anyway, I found Ghost4Linux (g4l) it is distro with the same idea - or better - of CloneZilla, it's only 90 MB, after download it I try it, I would like to comment:

1. the user experience is console mode oriented -awesome, at least for me, I'm from old school - but it's really easier to use.

2. it supports LUKS -cool!!-

3. there is a main menu where you can setups important things like: your IP address, the IP address of your FTP server, the compress method ( I chose gzip), the target directory on FTP, your username and password (PLEASE, type your password between quotes, don't forget it, it will save around 2 hours of tries! :-) ) and then you can choose what partition you want to backup, you may choose the entire HDD as well.

4, and that's it, my backup took around 1 hour and a half (57.5 GB) but it was cool, just beware of your FTP server setup, g4l does not accept anonymous session and don't forget to use quotes with your password, I was walking in circles around 2 hours then I figured it out.

g4l is a great project, I did not heard about it but the most important: it works.

Finally it would be a great idea to add this project with some of the Linux big brothers like Debian, Ubuntu, openSUSE, etc, in order to gain more users and expand the project.

I did not try projects like Bacula, I go for this and it works, so I recommend it.

ok cool, see you around, I have to find where I can buy cranberry sauce for tomorrow, in my country this would be hard to find, instead of it I may use jocote sauce, why not!

See you

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