miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Mounting my Coby Kyros MID1045 Tablet in my Ubuntu Precise

Hi, well this is the first step in the journey of root the Coby Kyros MID1045 tablet, so I was reading how to mount it in Ubuntu and many webpages mentioned that most of android devices use the MTP filesystem, so I needed to install it, here it is the lines:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mtpfs mtp-tools

then you need to create a directory under /media and type this line in terminal:

sudo mtpfs -o allow_other /media/AndroidDeviceDirectoryYouWant

then, in theory you just need to plug your USB cable to your laptop or PC, and then type this:


But, oopss!!!, I got this:

Listing raw device(s)
   No raw devices found.

So, what happened??? I checked the screen in my tablet and I saw an icon like Android+USB, I tapped it and I found that this tablet in particular still use the USB storage as the method to connect to any PC, weird? why? yeah, it is, and I think the weirdest part that I have to say is just before install mtpfs I did not get this icon. Anyway, once I tapped it I can mount it and read the content from ubuntu.

If you have any other android device you should use the method of mtp to connect it to your ubuntu box.

I really newbie in this Android Field, if you have feedback of any kind, feel free to post it/comment/reply this; in fact I read about this tablet and it's weird, in fact it is not Google Play Ready, so I'll go for unlock this
