martes, 15 de abril de 2014

Chromium project removed GTK+ support, it will use Aura instead

Chromium is an open source Web Browser project from Google that has a growing community supporting of it - don't get confuse with Chrome Web Browser, let's say this:  both are siblings, just Chromium is the open source one, when anyone may contribute to it development, many people says it is more secure -, so, latest news from this project is the decision to replace GTK+ support, instead of it, the project will use Aura as it default window manager.

Aura is a cross platform graphical system written for Google Developers and the main goal is to offer rich visual and large scale animations and transitions only just hardware acceleration. So Gtk+ and Aura are cross platform, Gtk+ project has many years of experience in the Linux boxes and Aura is relatively newer and under development, but I guess some of the facts to use Aura would be these:

1. Gtk+ is more difficult to set up for Windows
2. non centralized support
3. lack of documentation
4. years ago I read a comparison between Gtk+ vrs QT and the people describes Gtk+ as a "hodge podge"

So maybe the decision from Google to write a window manager from scratch would be hard to support it at the beginning, but right now it seems to be the best one.

So, for the final user -as you and me- this new gives us the opportunity to have better graphical rendering, rich graph content, faster CAD and 3D if we choose to use Chromium project when Aura is in the stable channel, so put an eye on this.

Finally, if you want to try it on unstable, from a terminal in Linux just type:

sudo apt-get install google-chrome-unstable

More info about Aura here: 


viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

Google Keep, a good app for take quick notes

This app looks really nice, for those ones with a ChromeBook you may try Google Keep, it is an app to take notes quickly about what you're thinking o re-thinking -believe me, this is really useful, specially if you're a coder who loves what you do- you download it from the Chrome Store and give it a try.

I have been using WriteBox, it is another great app for this purpose, but I would say Google Keep is some steps forward, specially for it interface, anyway, try them.

Last thing, I heard Keep may be used in GNU/Linux, let me know how it goes.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

re-enable your Broadcom wireless adapter in Ubuntu 12.04

I guess this process should be totally easy, it wouldn't be necessary to use even a command, I guess, but sometimes I don't have the enough time to test things like this. Anyway, I have an HP Ultrabook with a Broadcom BCM4312 Wireless Adapter, Yesterday I turned it off using the physical switch button, some time later I tried to re-enable it using the same button - It has to work, trust me, maybe it is a bug with the driver or anything else- but I failed, so, to re-enable I did this:

1. From a terminal I type:
  sudo rfkill list all

in the list I could see my device is blocked by hardware and software

2. then type:
  rfkill unblock all

 then, push the switch button.

3. again, type:
  sudo rfkill list all

Now, at least for me, I can see the device is just blocked by software, the last step is go to the wireless icon in the right upper corner, right click on it and choose "enable wireless", now you may see your wireless button turns blue and it acquires IP from your access point.

That's it, as I told you before, for sure this is a problem with my card or I had just been missed something, I always read that this card is kind of tricky in GNU/Linux, futhermore it is really old -this laptop has more than 5 years- , but if you have a system like this, it might be helpful

Time to go, see you!

why cmus stops everytime it jumps to the next track

I was working with many things at the same time then suddenly cmus' playlist had been stopped, but I did not pay attention to that. At the next morning the same, if I want to listen a song I have to hit X in every jump, I found that I turned off the option "toggle continue", to re-enable just do this:

1. take a look right now at you right bottom corner (you'll see just an R)

2. now press C (capital c)

3. you'll see a CR at you right bottom corner

4. that's it, now your playlist will continue to the end.

easy, yes, but I still believe cmus needs a control interface.
