lunes, 22 de junio de 2015

Java StackTrace Console output on Eclipse Luna

Eclipse it's a great product, currently I am using Luna version and it's really cool, I've integrated J2EE, Python with PyDev and C++, but I think for those capabilities some options does not work as automatically as I wish, one of them is the console, so in order to get output using Java, you may follow these steps:

1. Go to Window>Show View>Console
2. on that view, click on the button "Open Console" and Select "Java Stack Trace Console"
3. Stop your App Server, in my Case is Glassfish 4.x
4. Restart Eclipse
5. Start your App Server
6. Run your application

at this point you have to get output from your App Server on the Console View, in fact, on the Console View you'll see something like: GlassFish 4 at localhost [domain_name], this means your App Server and the Eclipse Console are sync.
